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Results: 508

/ by /Buyer, First Time Buyer

The best way to work out where you want to live and what you want to live in is by doing a bit of personal analysis - involving all the other decision...

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/ by /Buyer, News, Sale & Purchase, Seller

When asking prices are going up, it’s good news for sellers, when they are going down, it’s much improved news for prospective buyers. But what is the...

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/ by /Buyer, Sale & Purchase, Seller

In truth, any kind of property can be sold through the auction method. Of course, you would be advised to understand what the valuation of the propert...

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/ by /Buyer, First Time Buyer

House prices are surprisingly volatile in the face of economic uncertainty – although recently the effects of a number of factors have not yet serious...

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/ by /Buyer, First Time Buyer, Sale & Purchase

When you decide to buy a home based in a conservation area, there are various constraints and stipulations on what you can and can’t do.

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/ by /First Time Buyer, News

Searches are one of the first tasks that your solicitor will activate as soon as they are instructed by you to act on your behalf in buying a property...

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/ by /Buyer, First Time Buyer

Picture a suitable candidate to fit the term ‘first-time buyer’, and more than likely you’ll have imagined a twenty-something who is trying to...

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/ by /Equity Release, News, Remortgage

The key difference between opting for remortgaging your property against equity release is, as the word suggests, that there exists a current mortgage...

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/ by /News, Remortgage

Learn more about the current mortgage and inflation rates situation in the UK.

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/ by /Buyer, First Time Buyer, Sale & Purchase, Seller

Energy usage is significant topic of conversation at the moment.

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