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/ by /Buyer

According to the 2016-17 survey, 14.4 million households either own their home outright or own with a mortgage, making up 63 percent of all English ho...

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/ by /Buyer, First Time Buyer, Sale & Purchase

An MP and former special adviser to the Prime Minister and a former Chancellor of the Exchequer has unveiled a 10-point plan to solve the UK's housing...

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/ by /First Time Buyer

Getting a foot on the bottom of the property ladder remains the dream of most young people.

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/ by /Buyer, First Time Buyer

How rentcharges present a hidden risk to freehold property buyers

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/ by /Buyer, First Time Buyer, Sale & Purchase, Seller

The UK's long hot summer shows no signs of breaking. And neither does the current slowdown in UK house prices.

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/ by /Sale & Purchase

More older homeowners looking to downsize and become "last-time" buyers are struggling to find suitable properties.

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/ by /Buyer, First Time Buyer

Finding a place you want to buy is only the first step in moving house. In fact, spotting the ideal home is probably the easiest part of the whole she...

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/ by /First Time Buyer

Once you've made up your mind that owning your own home is your goal, here are three essential questions you should ask to ensure you are on the right...

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/ by /First Time Buyer

Buying is cheaper than renting for first-time buyers in every part of the UK, according to new research.

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/ by /Buyer, First Time Buyer, Sale & Purchase

Which? report says leasehold makes newbuild homeowners 'tenants' in their own homes.

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