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Results: 508

/ by /Buyer, First Time Buyer, Remortgage, Sale & Purchase, Seller, Transfer of Equity

If you are employing a solicitor to carry out your conveyancing you will probably take it for granted that your solicitor has professional indemnity i...

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/ by /First Time Buyer

More affordable homes to be built as Government releases millions

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/ by /Sale & Purchase, Seller

The High Court has recently had to consider a case which quite frankly needed never to have been brought.

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/ by /First Time Buyer

Politicians, bankers and other financial pundits have called for controls on the level of mortgage lending and cuts to the Help to Buy scheme.

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/ by /Lease Extension

Many leases of residential property are granted for 99 years. Learn how the lenght of time remaining on your lease can affect your property value.

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/ by /Buyer, Sale & Purchase

Some houses stand on land that is still subject to a perpetual liability to contribute towards the cost of repairs to the chancel of the parish church...

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/ by /Buyer, First Time Buyer, Sale & Purchase

The reason is that new rules affecting mortgage applications have now come into force.

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/ by /Buyer, First Time Buyer, Remortgage, Sale & Purchase, Seller, Transfer of Equity

We are absolutely delighted to be working with The Conveyancing Exchange as it validates our "agent is a client too" approach to conveyancing.

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/ by /Buyer, First Time Buyer, Sale & Purchase

Few solicitors actually promote surveys however which is curious as the format of RICS surveys includes a section that can be invaluable to solicitors...

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/ by /Buyer, First Time Buyer, Sale & Purchase

The Law Society has strongly criticised a plan by the Land Registry to take over the administration of the registers of Local Land Charges.

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